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Top Tips on How to Maintain Your Motorcycle

If you own your own motorcycle you will know how important it is to maintain it properly. There are a number of things you should always monitor, for example you should keep a close eye on how worn down your tyres are because this effects your braking speed and your safety. In addition, it is also important to keep your oil filter clean in order to get the most out of your bike. If you have just bought your very first motorcycle then you might be interested in reading up on some useful tips on how to maintain your bike.

Keeping your bike in good condition means that you are probably less likely to breakdown over something small. However, even if you take excellent care of your motorcycle, it is always worth having some cover with a vehicle insurance company like RAC breakdown cover or Kwik-fit because without any cover, a motorbike can cost a lot to fix. One of the best ways you can keep your bike in good condition is to regularly change the oil filter. Below are some motorcycle maintenance tips and facts to help you out.

Tip 1 - When you inspect your oil lever, always do it when the engine is warm- it's best done when you stop for fuel.

Tip 2 - Try and change your oil every 3 months or every time you reach 5000km.

Tip 3 - When you refuel your bike, never use a pirate oil filter. Only use the one provided by your manufacturer.

Tip 4 - Make sure you know when your crankcase over or underfilled. An overfilled crankcase may flood your air cleaner with oil, while an underfilled one will damage your filter.

Fact - Did you know that synthetic oil is bad for your bike if it has a wet clutch?

Fact - There are certain circumstances which destroy the quality of your oil. These include briskly stopping and starting, very short trips and sediment or dust in your oil filter.